Perry Puccetti served around the world as Marine Corps attack helicopter pilot for over a decade learning the importance of values such as persistence and mission accomplishment. It's the true meaning of teamwork that Perry has really carried with him over the years and into his role as a CEO.
In this episode, Perry shares advice and lessons learned from his corporate adventures including:
The favorite question in each podcast is, "what has been one of your oh $hit moments?" I think Perry's is my all time favorite because it involves an 8' javelin, a taxicab and getting lost in Europe. He proves that even these moments can turn to gold.
"Every opportunity is on the other side of fear." In some businesses, you can see a fairly quick payoff of your efforts. In the wine industry its years in the making from the vine to bottle. James and Lindsay Lowery of KC Wineworks will tell you that every grape that comes off the vine is full of unrealized potential to be a great wine; you just have to figure out how not to screw it up. If it’s a raisin, it’s a tragedy.
Being an entrepreneur takes vision and education. In the case of James and Lindsay, you can also add combined talents of a husband and wife team. The passion came at an early age. The farmland the vineyard is on has been in the family since 1870's, and they bottled their wine long before growing production for other wineries since 2002. Launching KC Wineworks in 2014 was no small feat, and they're still learning lessons. No matter what your business is, you'll find value in this episode! #drinkMOwine